

SOULCALIBUR VI - DLC8: Character Creation Set C is an application developed by BANDAI NAMCO Studios. SOULCALIBUR VI - DLC8: Character Creation Set C was first published on . The app is currently available on the following platforms: Steam, Other.About This Content Celebrate 20 years of SOULCALIBUR with an all new Character Creation set!- DLC...

SOULCALIBUR VI - DLC8: Character Creation Set C Review

SOULCALIBUR VI - DLC8: Character Creation Set C is an application designed by BANDAI NAMCO Studios. SOULCALIBUR VI - DLC8: Character Creation Set C was first published on . The app is currently available on Steam, Other.

About This Content

Celebrate 20 years of SOULCALIBUR with an all new Character Creation set!

- DLC Introduction -
Additional items for use in Character Creation (43 in total)
These items include the following:
- Brand new items for SOULCALIBUR VI (7 total)
- Extra/special items (5 total)
- Other Character Creation items (7 total)
- Hit effects (14 total)
- Stickers (10 total)